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Today's Lineup

8-8:30a Nina Carrozza
8:30-9a Mihir Sinhasan
9-10a Park The Bus
10-11a Queen of the Court
11-11:30a Paige Stanley
11:30a-12p Eleri Mosier
12-1p The A-List
1-2p Fuel for Thought
2-2:30p Jason Richey
2:30-3p Christian Jarmark
3-3:30p Match Point
3:30-4:30p Free Samples
4:30-5p The Beatdown on Blaze Radio
5-5:30p This Sun Devil Life
5:30-6p Open Mic
6-6:30p Traffic Jam
6:30-7p Bottom of the Sixth
7-8p To The Baja
8-9p The World According to Zippy
9-9:30p The Fantasy Football Forecast
9:30-10:30p The Loose Wheel Show
10:30-11:30p Breakdown After Dark
11:30p-12a Noah Chavez