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Gallego and Kelly Visit ASU Tempe Only One Day Prior to the 2024 Election

Just a day away from the 2024 U.S. election, Phoenix Congressman and democratic Senate candidate Ruben Gallego and Arizona Senator Mark Kelly made an appearance at ASU’s Tempe campus as part of the Harris-Walz campaign's “Fighting for Reproductive Freedom” bus tour.

The two were joined by actor and producer Sophia Bush, Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, Former Ambassador Susan Rice, and Giffords Executive Director Emma Brown. 

The event took place in front of the Memorial Union, the hub of ASU’s campus. Over 100 students—many of whom were provided with signs expressing support for the democratic ticket—gathered to hear the guest speakers.

Brown and Rice spoke first, both expressing the importance of youth voting, a running theme throughout the event. They also spoke on abortion rights, emphasizing how dangerous a Trump administration would be for reproductive rights.

Bush then had her chance to speak, where she also emphasized abortion rights and how dangerous Trump and Project 2025 would be for America. The crowd was enthusiastic, cheering loudly for Bush after each remark.

Senator Kelly and his wife Gabby Giffords spoke briefly after Bush. Giffords continued denouncing Donald Trump, illustrating the detrimental effects his second presidency would have on the future.

Senator Kelly then took the megaphone, where he was met with a roaring cheer from students. The Senator praised Harris and ragged on Trump, 

“The contrast between the two candidates could not be greater. We have an option here, an opportunity, to elect Kamala Harris. She wants to move the country forward on so many issues that you care about.” said Kelly.

He also praised ASU students for coming out to vote, saying they were the reason he knew he would be elected in 2022, 

“The impact that young people are going to have on this election is greater than any other election we’ve ever had. That’s where this is heading. For me personally, the election in 2022, I said to Emma Brown, my campaign manager at 5 p.m., I knew we were going to win this election at 5 p.m. on election day for one reason. It was the line on the ASU campus,” said Kelly.

Congressman Gallego finished the event with a message to students, encouraging them to vote to save their futures,

“Everything that’s gone well in this country in terms of moving towards justice has been started not by politicians, it’s been started by people your age,” said Gallego

“I think that kept the flame on the candle when more cynical people in this country had blown out that candle. So I’m just asking you one more time, for your country, please light that candle one more time.”

After the event closed out, all the speakers talked with students and took photos, with crowds of students swarming for their opportunity to catch a picture. 

In a pull-aside interview, Sophia Bush spoke about the importance of reaching out to young voters.

“​​I think so often young people are told by the powers that be that they are not incredibly powerful, but what I would say to students, and did say on this campus today, is, if you weren't so powerful, they wouldn't be trying so hard to suppress your vote,” said Bush

She also talked about her feelings on anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric coming from Republican candidates,

“I think the idea that anyone being their fullest and happiest self in a country that is supposedly founded on equality for all is farcical, and it would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous. But people are getting killed. Families are being torn apart, young women are dying. And it's not lost on me that these folks not only want to come for our rights as women,” said Bush.

“They want to come for the rights of queer families, of queer people, of queer children. They want to destabilize any safety measure that any of us needs to ensure that we, too, get to participate in the American experiment, and it's frankly unacceptable.”

The group then walked back on the bus, with Kelly and Giffords heading north to speak at an event in support of 2024 Arizona House of Representatives candidate Karen Gresham, just 24 hours from the election.

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